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If they didn’t do absolutely anything with the game mechanics, then 2 more game modes were added. But they say the truth: everything ingenious is simple. I bought a weapon at the beginning of the battle and went to crumble enemies and count frags. Everything will remain in the spirit of the good old 1.6, only slightly powdered. It was then that it was decided that there would be no major changes in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, no pumping systems, no unmanned vehicles, no cinematic explosions. Two simple commands: one likes to take hostages and blow up bombs, the other, respectively, to resist them. Have done various studies trying to uncover the phenomenal secret of CS 1.6 and have come to the conclusion that the key to success is relative simplicity. The developers took into account the sad experience of the past project and this time they approached it more seriously. Despite the improved graphics and physics model, there were many complaints from old players who remained playing version 1.6, which was adopted as the standard.įeatures of Counter Strike: Global Offensive In this case, the attempt caused widespread resonance, since the fans of this project, who call themselves oldfags, immediately took the side of the opposition, explaining this by the fact that there was already CS Source and it did not live up to their expectations. The well-known legendary Counter Strike was no exception.

free download counter strike global offensive xbox

Valve has taken on old projects more than once and tried to revive them. Review of the game Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveĬounter Strike: Global Offensive is one of the most popular multiplayer shooters today.

Free download counter strike global offensive xbox